Pop Quiz: One Of Your Employees Had Their Smartphone Stolen

Month: February 2014

Pop Quiz: One Of Your Employees Had Their Smartphone Stolen

QUICK, WHAT DO YOU DO? Over the last couple of months, we’ve come across some alarming statistics that you should know. Studies show that as many as 16% of smartphones are lost or stolen each year with only 7% of the stolen devices ever being recovered. Despite the fact that 60% of the missing smartphones […]

The Lighter Side

Amazing Facts About Love February is traditionally love month, so here are some random love facts (or myths) that might surprise you: People are more likely to tilt their heads to the right when kissing instead of the left (65% of people go to the right!). Falling in love can induce a calming effect on […]

10 Years A (Digital) Slave

I read a moving article on CNN.com about modern day slavery in Mauritania (see http://www.cnn.com/interactive/2012/03/world/mauritania.slaverys.last. stronghold/index.html/). Yes, slavery still exists and 10-20% of the Mauritanian population is currently enslaved. What really hit me hard is that unlike traditional slavery involving chains and physical restraints, modern slavery is primarily mental. The hereditary slaves are born as slaves; […]