Are you taking full advantage of VMware’s latest update?


VMware recently unveiled its powerful new version 6.5, a major release that has a lot to offer businesses like yours. Providing a simplified user experience, built-in security solutions, and a universal application platform, this update has the potential to change the way you think about VMware completely. That is, if you can use it to its full potential.

The fact is that anyone can configure VMware just by clicking through the installation wizard and glossing over the details. While it may function on a rudimentary level, this kind of configuration will always fail to make the most of what VMware 6.5 has to offer.

Time and time again, Brainlink technicians have come to a new client’s site only to find that their VMware is configured incorrectly. We’re proud to have the expertise necessary to remedy such common issues and help customers use VMware to its full potential by avoiding common mistakes and sub-optimizations that other IT firms are content with.

So, if your servers are slow, if your VMware is operating incorrectly, or if you just want to get the best ROI from version 6.5 possible, do what’s right for your business; get the Brainlink team of VMware experts on your side. 

Don’t settle for a sub-optimal configuration of your new VMware. Reach out to Brainlink today at (917) 685-7731 or to maximize your VMware potential.