The Email Privacy Concerns You Should Be Worried About

Raj Goel

The Email Privacy Concerns You Should Be Worried About

The Email Privacy Concerns You Should Be Worried About

The end of email privacy is upon us. New software allows users to learn an increasing amount of information about you just by sending you an email. Jacki Bryk has the details about why your inbox won’t ever be the same. Episode Transcript: JACKI: You might want to pause before opening your next email […]

Why Do Journalists, Correspondents and Editors Trust Raj Goel?

Why Do Journalists, Correspondents and Editors Trust Raj Goel?

5 time Emmy Winner, Jay Dow recommends Raj Goel, CISSP as a media-friendly, knowledgeable, cyber security expert. Episode Transcript: RAJ: So Jay, we’re in New York City and you have your pick of the top cyber security experts in the world. This is our 7th or 8th interview. Why did you pick Raj, why did […]

Raj is a Genius!

Raj is a Genius!

Raj Goel can add one more title to his already impressive list of credentials: Genius. Raj was named Genius of the Month by Robin Robins of Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc., a national marketing and sales expert. In 2013, Raj travelled to 5 countries, spoke at 7 conferences, delivered 4 key-notes in 4 different countries, was […]

The Lighter Side: Spring Is In

If you stand at the equator on the first day of spring, you will see the sun pass directly overhead. This only happens two times a year: the first day of spring and the first day of autumn. Baby birds are born with the ability to sing, but they must learn the specific songs of […]

Congrats to Cyberoam & Datto for being the

Congrats to Cyberoam & Datto for being the

Brainlink congratulates Cyberoam for their impressive 5-star review of the CR200iNG-XP firewall from SC Magazine. The CR200iNG-XP scored high marks for features, ease of use and performance. We are proud to work with industry-beating partners like Cyberoam to deliver advanced security solutions to our Brainlink is proud to salute technology partner Datto on winning 5 […]

How to Protect Yourself against Passport Thieves

What does a missing Malaysian aircraft, passports and IT security have in common? Recently, I was interviewed by WPIX-11 on “How to protect yourself against high tech passport thieves”. We discussed the privacy and security threats associated with RFID-enabled passports. Over the past decade, the US government has started embedding smart chips inside US passports, […]